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Pool Resurfacing Tampa

Commercial Pool resurfacing

Over time can cause surfaces in your pool to deteriorate. If you have noticed the surfaces of your pool have begun to crack, if they are stained, or flaking, now is the time to consider resurfacing. Our pool resurfacing team can handle this process and help ensure the results exceed your expectations. Our resurfacing company is located in Tampa FL. You may wonder – 

How do you know you should resurface your pool?

 There are a few signs, which include: Plaster Peeling or Flaking: Pool water that has lower calcium or pH levels is one of the most common causes of plaster beginning to flake. Usually, cases of flaking will occur when the pH in pool water dissolves the soluble calcium compound and there is no way to make the repairs.

Plaster Discoloration: As time passes, the pool’s plaster may become discolored. To solve this problem, our team can replaster it or we can install a more durable finish that will not discolor as quickly. Surface Stains: This can occur due to calcium, copper, and several other factors. This type of staining may stick to the surface of the plaster. In some cases, you may be able to remove the staining using an acid wash. However, if the pool is severely stained, pool replastering may be the only option. Structure Cracks: For structural cracks in a swimming pool, it is necessary to call our team for a full inspection. We can ensure the proper repairs are made. Roughness: In some situations, pool chemicals may begin to eat the surface of the pool, which can create a rougher surface that results in people using the pool cutting themselves or experiencing other discomfort.

repairing a hole in a pool
the final photo of a finished pool will no leaks